Nativity Scene Animals

The Diverse Animal Kingdom of Nativity Scenes Around the World

Nativity scenes, a cherished tradition during the holiday season, provide a visual narrative of the birth of Jesus Christ. An integral part of these scenes is the diverse array of Nativity Scene Animals that populate the setting. This assortment includes not only the expected inhabitants of a Middle Eastern stable but also an eclectic mix of local and exotic species from around the world.

From sheep and donkeys to elephants and zebras, these animals do more than just add authenticity to the scene. They carry profound symbolic meanings, reflect the regional fauna of different cultures, and embody the universal significance of the Christmas story. This article delves into the roles and symbolism of these animals in the Nativity scene, exploring how they contribute to our understanding and appreciation of this significant event.

The Significance of Nativity Scene Animals

In the heart of the Christmas narrative lies the Nativity scene, which offers a vivid portrayal of the humble circumstances that marked the birth of Jesus Christ. Each element within this tableau has its own significance, and the animals present are no exception. They not only provide a realistic depiction of the environment but also carry profound symbolic meanings that echo the virtues and teachings of Christianity.

Setting the Stage

The first role of the animals in the Nativity scene is to create an authentic setting. Imagine the scene: a rustic stable, probably a little cold, and filled with the sounds of various animals. The braying of a donkey, the lowing of an ox, the clucking of chickens, and the bleating of sheep. These sounds and sights set the stage for a humble setting, far from the grandeur usually associated with the birth of a king. This stark contrast underscores the humility of Christ’s birth, reminding us that Jesus was born not in a palace, but in a simple, unadorned stable.

Symbolism and Teachings

Beyond setting the scene, each animal in the Nativity carries symbolic weight. The donkey, often depicted resting next to Mary, is believed to be the creature that carried her to Bethlehem. Its presence symbolizes service and humility, reflecting the qualities of the Christ who was to serve humanity.

Sheep, usually depicted alongside shepherds, symbolize innocence and purity. They also represent the faithful followers of Christ, echoing the biblical metaphor of Jesus as the Good Shepherd who guides and protects his flock.

Cows and oxen, common inhabitants of a stable, are significant too. Their status as beasts of burden and their use in sacrifices during biblical times can be seen as a foreshadowing of Jesus’ sacrifice for humanity.

Even the more domesticated animals like cats, chickens, and pigs, have their place. They represent the simplicity and domesticity of the setting, grounding the miraculous event in the reality of everyday life.

Conclusion: Indeed, the animals in the Nativity scene play a crucial role in bringing the story of Jesus’ birth to life. They provide a realistic backdrop, add depth to the narrative, and embody various Christian teachings and virtues. As we contemplate the Nativity scene, these animals remind us of the humility, simplicity, and universality of Christ’s birth. They serve as symbols of peace, innocence, service, and much more, enriching our understanding and appreciation of the Christmas story.

The Symbolism of Specific Nativity Scene Animals

The Nativity scene is a profound depiction of the birth of Jesus Christ, each element within it holding a deep symbolic meaning. Among the most striking features are the animals present, native to the region, that not only add authenticity to the scene but also embody various virtues and teachings of Christianity. This section delves into the symbolism and significance of these animals.

Sheep and Lambs

Arguably, the most common animals found in Nativity scenes are sheep and lambs. These gentle creatures are often depicted alongside shepherds, serving as a poignant symbol of innocence and purity. The presence of sheep in the Nativity scene conjures images of pastoral life, bringing a sense of peace and simplicity to the scene. Moreover, they represent the faithful flock of Christ, reminding us of the shepherd-like guidance provided by Jesus and his teachings about caring for the ‘lost sheep.’


The donkey holds a special place in the Nativity scene. It is believed to have carried Mary on her arduous journey to Bethlehem, standing as a symbol of humility, service, and dedication. The donkey’s humble status contrasts with its important role, reflecting the Christian teaching that even the lowly and overlooked can play significant roles in God’s plans.

Oxen and Cows

Oxen and cows, as staple inhabitants of stables, are frequently included in the Nativity scene. Their robust, calm demeanor adds a sense of tranquility to the setting. Their presence hints at the sacrificial nature of Christ’s birth, as oxen and cows were often used for sacrifices in biblical times. This serves as a foreshadowing of Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice for humanity.


While not as common, horses, when included, usually accompany the caravan of the Three Wise Men. They signify the long and challenging journey undertaken to witness the newborn Savior. The inclusion of horses adds an element of majesty to the scene, reflecting the honor and reverence that the Wise Men had for the newborn King.


While not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, camels are often included in the Nativity scene accompanying the Magi, or the Three Wise Men. They symbolize the long and challenging journey undertaken from the East to witness the newborn Savior. The inclusion of camels adds an element of historical

Domestic Animals

Domestic animals such as cats, pigs, and chickens, while not traditionally associated with the birth of Christ, have their place in some Nativity scenes. They represent the quotidian life of the era and emphasize the domestic setting of Jesus’ birth. Their inclusion brings a touch of realism to the scene, grounding the miraculous event in the reality of everyday life.

Conclusion: Each animal in the Nativity scene, whether a humble sheep or a hardworking donkey, brings its own symbolism and significance to the story of Christ’s birth. They serve as reminders of the virtues of humility, service, innocence, and more – enriching our understanding and appreciation of the Nativity scene.

The Role of Birds in the Nativity Scene: Symbols of Peace, Purity, and Divine Presence

While the Nativity scene is often populated with terrestrial animals like sheep, donkeys, and cows, the inclusion of birds brings a unique dimension to this sacred tableau. Though not as ubiquitous as their land-dwelling counterparts, birds carry profound symbolism in the context of the Nativity scene. They add a sense of serenity, spirituality, and divine presence to the depiction of Jesus’ birth.


One bird that sometimes graces the Nativity scene is the robin. Known for its vibrant red breast, the robin is often associated with the blood of Christ, serving as a poignant reminder of the sacrifice Jesus would later make for humanity. An old legend suggests that the robin got its red breast from fanning the flames of a fire in the stable to warm baby Jesus, further cementing its connection to the Christmas narrative. Its cheerful presence adds a touch of brightness and hope to the scene.


More commonly included in Nativity scenes are doves, universally recognized as symbols of peace and the Holy Spirit. Their white plumage signifies purity, while their gentle demeanor embodies tranquility. In the biblical context, the dove is often seen as a messenger of God or a representation of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, its presence in the Nativity scene can be interpreted as a symbol of divine intervention and blessing. The dove also serves to remind us of the peace and goodwill that the birth of Christ brought into the world.

Ducks and Other Birds

On occasion, other birds like ducks may be included in the Nativity scene. While they might seem an unusual choice, their inclusion represents the variety and abundance of God’s creation. Ducks and other waterfowl might also symbolize adaptability due to their ability to thrive in both water and land environments. This could serve as a metaphor for the adaptability required of Mary and Joseph as they navigated the circumstances surrounding Jesus’ birth.

Conclusion: Though often overlooked, the role of birds in the Nativity scene is significant. They lend an air of serenity to the setting, symbolize key spiritual concepts, and enhance the richness of the narrative with their presence. Whether it’s the humble robin with its red breast, the peaceful dove with its pure white feathers, or the adaptable duck, each bird contributes its own unique touch to the story of Jesus’ birth.

The Role of Non-native/Exotic Nativity Scene Animals: A Reflection of Diversity and Universality

While the traditional Nativity scene often features animals native to the Middle East, many renditions include non-native or exotic animals. This addition might seem unusual at first glance, but it serves a deeper purpose. The inclusion of these diverse creatures underscores the universal appeal of the Christmas story, reminding us that the birth of Christ is a celebration for all of creation, regardless of geographical boundaries.


One such exotic animal that sometimes graces the Nativity scene is the elephant. Known for its strength, intelligence, and long lifespan, the elephant can symbolize endurance, wisdom, and even resurrection. Although not native to the Middle East, their presence in the Nativity scene adds a touch of majesty and grandeur, while also serving as a reminder of the global significance of Jesus’ birth.

Moose and Bears

Native to the colder regions of North America and Europe, moose, and bears are occasionally featured in Nativity scenes from these areas. The moose, with its imposing stature and impressive antlers, can represent strength and resilience. Bears, on the other hand, are often seen as symbols of courage and maternal protection. Their inclusion in the Nativity scene enriches the narrative, adding a local flavor to the universal story.

Foxes and Goats

Foxes and goats, though not traditionally associated with the birth of Christ, have found their way into some interpretations of the Nativity scene. The fox, known for its cunning and adaptability, can represent resourcefulness and survival. Goats, like sheep, are common livestock animals and could symbolize provision and sacrifice.

Conclusion: The inclusion of non-native or exotic animals in the Nativity scene might deviate from the traditional Middle Eastern setting, but it brings a unique richness to the depiction of Jesus’ birth. It emphasizes the universality of the Christmas story and reflects the vast diversity of God’s creation. Whether it’s the strength of an elephant, the resilience of a moose, the protection offered by a bear, the resourcefulness of a fox, or the provision symbolized by a goat, each animal contributes its own unique meaning to the Nativity scene, enhancing our understanding and appreciation of this significant event.

The Role of Local Animals in Cultural Interpretations of the Nativity Scene: A Celebration of Regional Diversity

The Nativity scene, a universal symbol of the Christmas celebration, is open to interpretation and adaptation across different cultures. One of the most interesting aspects of these cultural variations is the inclusion of local animals. From the dogs in Italian “Presepe” to the llamas in South American depictions, these regional animals add a unique touch to the Nativity scene, reflecting the rich biodiversity of each area and the universal appeal of the Christmas story.

Italian “Presepe”

In Italy, the Nativity scene, known as “Presepe,” often features dogs among the traditional cast of characters. Dogs are associated with the shepherds who were among the first to receive the joyous announcement of Jesus’ birth. Their inclusion in the “Presepe” symbolizes loyalty and vigilance, virtues highly regarded in Christian teachings. It also reflects the pastoral lifestyle prevalent during that era, grounding the divine event in the reality of everyday life.

South American Nativity Scenes

Moving across the Atlantic to South America, the Nativity scenes often reflect the region’s unique fauna. Native animals like llamas and alpacas find their way into these depictions. These animals, used as pack animals and for their wool, are integral to many South American cultures. Their inclusion in the Nativity scene not only adds authenticity but also celebrates the region’s rich cultural heritage and biodiversity.

African Interpretations

African interpretations of the Nativity scene often showcase the continent’s rich wildlife. It’s not unusual to see zebras, lions, giraffes, and elephants alongside the traditional characters of the Nativity story. These animals, while not traditionally associated with the birth of Christ, provide a distinct African touch to the Nativity scene. They serve as a powerful reminder of Africa’s diverse fauna and the universality of the Christmas message.

Conclusion: The inclusion of local animals in cultural interpretations of the Nativity scene underscores the adaptability and universal appeal of the Christmas story. The birth of Jesus Christ, celebrated worldwide, transcends geographical and cultural boundaries. Whether it’s the loyal dogs in Italian “Presepe,” the useful llamas in South American scenes, or the majestic African wildlife, each region brings its own unique flavor to the Nativity scene, enriching the narrative with their regional diversity

Conclusion Nativity Scene Animals

Nativity scenes worldwide, with their diverse array of Nativity Scene Animals, offer a unique lens through which to view the universal appeal and resonance of the Christmas story. From the humble sheep and loyal dogs symbolizing innocence and loyalty to the majestic elephants and resilient moose standing for strength and endurance, each creature adds a unique layer of meaning to this sacred narrative. The inclusion of local animals, whether it’s llamas in South American scenes or zebras in African interpretations, highlights the rich biodiversity of different regions while emphasizing the global significance of Jesus’ birth.

Exotic animals, though seemingly out of place, underscore the vast diversity of God’s creation and the universal relevance of the Christmas message. Birds, often overlooked, bring an air of serenity and divine presence to the scene. Through these animals, the Nativity scene transcends geographical and cultural boundaries, becoming a universally accessible depiction of love, peace, and humility. Each animal, with its unique symbolism, enriches our understanding of the Christmas story, reminding us that the message of Christ’s birth resonates with all of creation.

Prayer of Salvation

Giving your life to the Lord is the best decision you can ever make in your entire life on earth. I invite you to make Jesus your Lord today. In Romans 10vs.9 the Bible says that, “If thou confess with thy mouth, that Jesus is Lord, and believe in thine heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved.” Please, pray this prayer:

Dear heavenly Father, I believe with all of my heart that Jesus is Lord. I believe that he died on the cross and that on the third day God raised him from the dead. I affirm that Jesus is the Lord of my life from this day onward. I’m now born again. In the name of Jesus. Amen!

Well done for making this prayer! You are now born again. Attend a bible based church and keep learning the truth of God‘s Word as you become an excellent Christian.

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1 thought on “Nativity Scene Animals”

  1. Magdalene Cordova

    AWESOME!!! SO Interesting, informative, thought-provoking and incredible!!! The details truly make the Nativity extremely relevant and confirm God’s perfect plan, and how HE thinks of EVERY, TINY detail to fulfill His great purpose. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful information! You are GREATLY appreciated!!!

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